Tuesday, April 17, 2007

FUNKADELIC - Maggot Brain

Funkadelic was George Clinton's chance to get serious. Unlike Parliament, Funkadelic exhibited topical lyrics and an almost heavy-metal edge, one that included screeching, distorted guitar and unsettling musical turns. This 1971 album, Funkadelic's second release, catches the ensemble in its early prime. The Hendrix-inspired dramatics come courtesy of Eddie Hazel, while Bernie Worrell admirably handles the keyboard chores. Clinton's humorous, sober lyrics address poverty, race relations, and drug use. Musically, the band covers lots of ground: Everything from smooth soul and heavy rock to abstract psychedelia and straight-on funky grooves has a place, and these jarring shifts are what make the album a revolutionary work. --Marc Greilsamer

1. Maggot Brain
2. Can You Get To That
3. Hit It And Quit It
4. You And Your Folks
5. Me And My Folks
6. Super Stupid
7. Back In Our Minds/Wars Of Armageddon


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YUTOPIA said...

Prijatelju - blog je odlican - sigurno jedan od najboljih na netu - onoliko kolko imam vremena pogledat , mozda samo jedan problem : Mislim da RAPIDSHARE funkcionira bolje !! , narucito ako covijek hoce da nista ne plati , Mozda se varam , al kod mene ide brze sa Rapidsherom ,...
Sve najbolje ti zelim ,
Bas mi je legla ova neka hipi muzika .Ikakve shanse za new wave , i to je iz sedamdesetih ....
sve najbolje ,...... yutopija

. said...

Yutopia vjerojatno si do sada primjetio koliko je toga na blogovima izbrisano sa rapidshare-a. To je jedini razlog zašto sam na megauploadu.
Sto se tice new wave, tu ti ja bas nisam kompetentan - imam neke albume i iz tog vremena ali su to vise sentimentalne veze sa prijateljima iz nekih proslih vremena. Na ovom blogu ipak ces pronaci iskljucivo folk, prog, hard, jazzrock i sl.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! This was a deep dig to find.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why they didn't get more radio play - it's a shame.